(618) 627-1111 - (618) 923-1111

IL Lic. 441000891


APRIL 6, 2025 1PM TIL 3PM

For the Following Auction

See April 12, 2025 auction calendar date for photos and listing



Saturday April 12, 2025

at 9:30AM





Real Estate Auction at Lake of Egypt

(Home/Pole Barn/Lake Lot)

Skid Steer-Furniture-Contents

1507 Howard Ln Marion, Illinois

(North Side Lake of Egypt)

 Direction: At the Lake of Egypt Power Plant, turn south on Power Plant Rd (next to RR Tracts) and go 1 mile and turn left on Country Club Rd to Howard Lane and turn left and follow around to the location.

 Real Estate at 9:30AM Tract 1: This is a four (4) bedroom, two (2) bath home with a GREAT location on the lake, Hi-Eff. Water Furnace heat pump, two car garage, kitchen appliances. Tract 2: Pole barn with concrete floor, electric in barn., furnace, insulated. Tract 3: Water front lot next to home that is a great possible home site.

Collectables-Household Items: Dining table/6 chairs, Hutch cabinet, Buffett, Triple set silverware/case, Open cabinet, Hutch, Seth Thomas grandfather clock, Quilts, Living room chairs, Blanket chest, Sewing machine/cabinet, Chest, Dresser, Bed, Night stands, Lane ceder chest, Wing back chairs, Desk, Airplane prop clocks, Lg. vases, Treadmill, 2-door refrigerator, File cabinet, Leather sofa/recliners, Flat screen TV, Patio furniture, Advertising items, Old airplane prop, Several Wings of Texaco toy size planes/boxes, Kerosine lamps, many other items.

Car-Tractor-Skid Steer-Tools: Ford SUV Explorer, Ford 1220 tractor/belly mower, Bobcat 732 skid steer/wheels, Metal tracts for skid steer, Clausing metal lathe, yard wagon, Craftsman lawn mower, Ford CM 272 mower/front deck, yard sprayer on wheels, 3-hp air compressor, Parts washer, Oxy-Acetylene tanks, Lincoln AC welder, Several hand/electric/battery/air tools, Craftsman drawer tool chests, Drill press, Lots of bits/easy-outs/etc., Craftsman 12” band saw, Bench grinder, Vises small to large, Screw cabinet full, Lots of clamps, Work shop table, Table sander, Generator, 20-ton press, Stump grinder, Power washer, Electric push mower, Lg. Belt sander, Ladders, Yard tools, Chop saws, Cherry picker, Chain saw, Cyclone yard vacuum, Hobart 135 wire welder/tank, Battery charger, Shop vac., Table saw, Wheel barrow, Gas cans, Ammo boxes, Craftsman yard vac.,

Guns and Ammo: Sell at 11:30am (FOID Card Required)

Pro-Gun in Marion Will be Doing the Gun Transfers

Dixie Gunworks Mtn Gun, Ruger 10/22 Air Rifle 700 (in box), Belgium Browning HP 9mm, Smith & Wesson model 36 .38 Chiefs Special, Colt .45 Auto Com/Com, Smith & Wesson model 642-2 .38 Special, NRA Beretta 96 .45 cal. (in case), Colt 1911 A1 Army .45 cal., Daisy Powerline 747 BB Gun, Hi-Standard Model HD Military 22 cal., Smith & Wesson 28-2 357 cal. Hwy Police, Carl Walther Germany PPK/S 9mm, Colt Mark IV 9mm  70/Gov., Colt Python 357 mag. (in box), Colt Gold Cup 45 Mark IV/series70 (in box), Colt ACE 22 cal. (in box), NRA Kimber 45 2005 G of Y (in box), Reminton Model 121 Fieldmaster 22 Rifle, H&R Model 58 410 ga., NRA Savage Model 93R 17 with scope, Ruger Mini 14 .223 cal., Marlin 22 cal. Rifle, Remington Model 700 .270 cal. with scope, Dan Wesson model15-2VH .38/357 (extra barrels- in box), NRA Kimber Freedom Warrior 45 (in box), Walther P 38 CVQ pistol, Hawes Western SixShooter 22 cal. Pistol, Smith & Wesson 22 cal. revolver, Kentucky 44 cal. Replica Pistol (in box), Smith & Wesson 38 Sq Butt Special, Smith &Wesson 357 Mag19-4 Winchester Legendary Lawman Model 94 Carbine 30-30 (in box), Winchester Antlered Game Model 94 30-30 (box), Winchester Wells Fargo Model 94 Carbine 30-30 (in box), Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 12 ga., Browning Light Twelve 12 ga., NRA Case Knife set (in case), Kentucky Replica Rifle 45 7072K, Ruger 45 model 05123 “Gun of Year” Revolver,  Ruger 45 model 05122 “Gun of Year” Revolver, Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun, Winchester Model 94 30-30, Springfield Arms Model 1898 Krag, BSA Martini 22 Rifle, Beeman Model R-8 Germany Airgun, Connecticut Arms 50 cal. Black Powder, Antonio Zoli Italy 58 cal Black Powder, Lots/Lots of different Ammo.


Terms and Auctioneer Note: Successful buyer on Real Estate Tracts will be required to make a $3000 down payment day of auction on each with balance due at closing. There is a 2% Buyers Premium on Real Estate only. Seller has final approval for final selling price on real estate.Taxes will be pro-rated to the date of closing. Any and all desired inspections to be done prior to auction date. Personal property paid by cash or good check. Announcements made at auction take precedence over printed material. Not responsible for errors, omissions, accidents or health responsibility.

 IMG 2230IMG 2232IMG 2234IMG 2237IMG 2238IMG 2239IMG 2240IMG 2241IMG 2242IMG 2244IMG 2245IMG 2246IMG 2248IMG 2249IMG 2251IMG 2253IMG 2255IMG 2256IMG 2257IMG 2258IMG 2259IMG 2260IMG 2261IMG 2262IMG 2263IMG 2264IMG 2265IMG 2266IMG 2267IMG 2268IMG 2269IMG 2270IMG 2271IMG 2272IMG 2273IMG 2274IMG 2275IMG 2276IMG 2277IMG 2283IMG 2284IMG 2285IMG 2286IMG 2287IMG 2288IMG 2289IMG 2290IMG 2291IMG 2292IMG 2293IMG 2294IMG 2295IMG 2296IMG 2297IMG 2328IMG 2329IMG 2331IMG 2332IMG 2333IMG 2347IMG 2348IMG 2349IMG 2351IMG 2352IMG 2353IMG 2354IMG 2355IMG 2356IMG 2357IMG 2358IMG 2359IMG 2360IMG 2361IMG 2362IMG 2363IMG 2364IMG 2365IMG 2366IMG 2367IMG 2368IMG 2369IMG 2370IMG 2371IMG 2372IMG 2381IMG 2385IMG 2386IMG 2388IMG 2389IMG 2390IMG 2391IMG 2392IMG 2393IMG 2395IMG 2396IMG 2397IMG 2398IMG 2399IMG 2400IMG 2401IMG 2402IMG 2403IMG 2404IMG 2405IMG 2406IMG 2407IMG 2408IMG 2409IMG 2410IMG 2411IMG 2412IMG 2413IMG 2414IMG 2415IMG 2416IMG 2417IMG 2420IMG 2421IMG 2422IMG 2423IMG 2424IMG 2425IMG 2426IMG 2427IMG 2428IMG 2429IMG 2430IMG 2431IMG 2432IMG 2433IMG 2434IMG 2435IMG 2437IMG 2438IMG 2439IMG 2440IMG 2441IMG 2442IMG 2443IMG 2444IMG 2445IMG 2446IMG 2447IMG 2448IMG 2449IMG 2450IMG 2451IMG 2452IMG 2453IMG 2454IMG 2455IMG 2457IMG 2458IMG 2459IMG 2461IMG 2462IMG 2465IMG 2466IMG 2467IMG 2468IMG 2469IMG 2471IMG 2472IMG 2473IMG 2474IMG 2475IMG 2476IMG 2477IMG 2478IMG 2479IMG 2480IMG 2482IMG 2483IMG 2484IMG 2485